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I am a polymath scientist with a background in ethology and an expertise in human-factors psychology as it applies to technology design. Currently, I work as a Senior Games User Researcher at Amazon Games, and was previously a Senior Research Scientist and Research Director of Gaming & Esports Applied Research (GEAR) at Georgia Tech.

The majority of work that I do has impacts in health, training, self-empowerment, and entertainment in gaming, esports, augmented and virtual reality, wearables, and other novel advanced technologies.

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Links to papers, posters, and presentations where possible


  • Zeagler, C., Lish, J., Cheezburger, E., Woo, M., Tynan, K. L., Morton, E., ... Levy, L, & Bolter, J. D. 2021. YOU BETTA WERK: using wearable technology performance driven inclusive transdisciplinary collaboration to facilitate authentic learning. In Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (pp. 1-12).

  • Levy, L., Koehler, B, & Sixto, K. 2021. The Path to Pro: current challenges and opportunities for sustainable participation faced by athletes, support staff, and medical professionals. Presented at the University of California Irvine Esports Conference (virtual conference).

  • Gandy, M, Cohen, K, Levy, L, & Kerssens, C. 2020. Aging and Gaming: the science and promise of technology-based leisure activities and interventions. Presented at the Gerontological Society of America, virtual format.

  • Levy, L, Thompson, B, & Gandy, M. 2020. Contextualizing smart home technologies with augmented reality tools to facilitate aging in place. Presented at the International Society for Gerontechnology. Previously Trondheim, Norway, virtual format.

  • Levy, L. 2019. Beyond Results: design considerations for scientifically valid games that empower users after play. Presented at the National Science Foundation Game-based Assessment Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota.

  • Levy, L & Gandy, M. 2019. Supporting aging in place with the Internet of Things: meeting challenges of use through augmented reality tools. In Proceedings of the Gerontological Society of America, Austin, Texas.

  • Levy, L & Gandy, M. 2019. Teaching video game design accessibility: toward effective pedagogic interventions in accessible design. Paper presented at the 21st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Orlando, Florida.

  • Lambeth, A, Levy, L, Gandy, M. 2019. Developing design frameworks and applications for future technologies through video game representations. Paper presented at the 21st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Orlando, Florida.

  • Robertson, S, Karlsberg, J, Lambeth, A, and Levy, L. 2019. The Digital Drawer: A crowd-sourced, curated, digital archive preserving history and memory. Paper presented at the 21st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Orlando, Florida.

  • Levy, L. 2018. Evaluating the role of immersive technologies for training and performance. International Symposiums on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), Munich, Germany.

  • Levy, L, Lambeth, A, Solomon, R, Gandy, M. 2018. Method in the Madness: the design of games as valid and reliable scientific tools. Paper presented at Foundations of Digital Games Conference, Malmö, Sweden.

  • Gandy, M, Levy, L, B. Jones, Whi, D, Nair, S. 2018. Using Augmented and Virtual Reality to Support Older Adults in Smart Homes. Presented at the Gerontechnology Conference, St. Petersburg, FL.

  • Zeagler, C, Boyle, S, Gilliland, S, Fisher, K, Levy, L. 2017. Le Monstre: An Interactive Participatory Performance Costume. Presented at the International Symposium for Wearable Computing, Maui, HI.

    • Awarded Best Paper in Design Competition, Aesthetics Category

    • Paper link

  • Gandy, M, Mashman, D, Hill, L, Levy, L, Robertson, S, Sumler, M, & Tamasi, S. 2017. User acceptance of augmented reality for non-technical skills training in the OR. Paper presented at the International Anesthesia Research Society (IARS), Washington, D.C.

  • Levy, L, & Gandy, M. 2017. Designing Serious Games for Older Adults. Presented at the International Association of Gerontechnology and Geriatrics Conference, San Francisco, CA.

  • Gandy, M, Levy, L, Robertson, S, Johnson, J, Wilson, J, Lemieux, T, Tamasi, S, Mashman, D, & Sumler, M. 2016. Designing AR systems to explore point-of-view bias and trans-cultural conflict. Paper presented at ISMAR 2016, Mérida, Mexico.

  • Thompson, B, Levy, L, Lambeth, A, Byrd, D, Alcaidinho, J, Radu, I, & Gandy, M. 2016. Participatory design of STEM education AR experiences for heterogenous student groups: exploring dimensions of tangibility, simulation and interaction. Paper presented at ISMAR 2016, Mérida, Mexico.

  • Levy, L, Moore, J, Way, J, Liu, R, Solomon, RES, & Gandy, M. 2016. Grouches, Extraverts and Jellyfish: Assessment validity and game mechanics in a gamified assessment. Paper presented at the FDG and DiGRA First Joint Conference 2016, Dundee, Scotland, U.K.

  • Levy, L, Solomon, RES, Gandy, M, & Catrambone, R. 2015. The Rhythm's Going to Get You: Music's effects on gameplay and experience. Paper presented at CHI Play 2015, London, England, U.K.

  • Levy, L, Solomon, RES, Moore, J, Way, J, Liu, R, and Gandy, M. 2015. Actions Speak Louder than Words: An exploration of game play behavior and results from traditional assessments of individual differences. Paper presented at Foundations of Digital Games Conference, Pacific Grove, C.A.

  • Speiginer, G, MacIntyre, B, Bolter, J, Lambeth, A, Levy, L, Baird, L, Gandy, M, Sanders, M, Clark, R, and Mynatt, B. 2015. The use of the Argon web framework for authoring community-based mixed reality applications. Paper presented at the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Los Angeles, CA.

  • Gandy, M, Baird, L, Levy L, Lambeth, A, Mynatt, E, Clark, R, and Sanders, M. 2015. Midtown Buzz: Bridging the gap between concepts and impact in a civic computing initiative. Paper presented at the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Los Angeles, CA.

  • Whitlock, LA, Levy, L, McLaughlin, AC, Gandy, M, and Allaire, JC. 2014. Attention to detail: Cognitive ability can predict older adult engagement in a game-based cognitive intervention. Poster presented at the Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA.

  • Levy L, Gandy M, Solomon RE, et al. 2012. Fear of Failure: Gender Differences in Older Adult Gamers. Poster presented at Foundations of Digital Games Conference, Raleigh, N.C.

  • Levy L, Gravish NG, Savu AS, Goldman DI, and Goodisman MAD. 2008. Ant engineering: nest building challenges in a variable environment. North American Section of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects meeting poster presentation.

Refereed publications                                                                                                              

  • Thompson, B, Gandy, M, Levy, L. 2022. Supporting aging in place with mobility impairments through annotated telepresence technology. Innovation in Aging. 6(S1), 763.

  • Ahn, SJG, Levy, L, Eden, A, Won, AS, MacIntyre, B, & Johnsen, K. 2021. IEEEVR2020: Exploring the First Steps Toward Standalone Virtual Conferences. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 2, 28.

  • Kerssens, C., Gandy, M., Cohen, K., Levy, L., Janssens, C., Mitzner, T., ... & Binford, S. (2020). Rethinking and Co-Design of Beloved Board Games for People With Mild Cognitive Impairment and Their Care Partners. Innovation in Aging, 4(Suppl 1), 558.

  • Gandy, M, Levy, L, Solomon, R, Lambeth, A, Byrd, D. 2018. Designing “serious” games for older adults: a cognitive training case study. Innovation in Aging, 1 (supplemental 1), 14.

  • Touchett, H., Pope, Z., Ghanouni, P., Barclay, P., Levy, L., O'Loughlin, E., & Godinez, A. (2018). Games for Health: The Tale of a Curious Student's Wish. Games for Health Journal, 7(5), 289-290.

  • Bentley, F, Tollmar, K, Stephenson, P, Levy, L, Jones, B, Robertson, S, Price, E, Catrambone, R, & Wilson, J. 2013. Health Mashups: Presenting statistical patterns between wellbeing data and context in natural language to promote behavior change. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 20 (5), 30.

  • Gravish N, Garcia M, Mazouchova N, Levy L, Umbanhowar PB, Goodisman MAD, Goldman DI. 2012. Effects of worker size on the dynamics of fire ant tunnel construction. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 9:3312-3322.

  • Salomon, M. P., Ostrow, D., Phillips, N., Blanton, D., Bour, W., Keller, T. E., Keller, Levy, L, ... & Baer, C. F. (2009). Comparing mutational and standing genetic variability for fitness and size in Caenorhabditis briggsae and C. elegans. Genetics, 183(2), 685-692.

  • Ostrow D, Phillips N, Avalos A, Blanton D, Boggs A, Keller T, Levy L, Rosenbloom J, and Baer CF. 2007. Mutational Bias for Body Size in Rhabditid Nematodes. Genetics, 176: 1653-1661.

  • Baer CF, Phillips N, Ostrow D, Avalos A, Blanton D, Boggs A, Keller T, Levy L, and Mezerhane E. 2006. Cumulative Effects of Spontaneous Mutations for Fitness in Caenorhabditis: Role of Genotype, Environment and Stress. Genetics, 174: 1387–1395.

  • Piercy AN, Ford TS, Levy LM, and Snelson Jr FF. 2006. Analysis of variability in vertebral morphology and growth ring counts in two Carcharhinid sharks. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 77: 40-46.

Book chapters                                                                                                                                  

  • Levy, L, Charleer, S, & Wright, T. 2021. The future esports fan experience. In Games  Usability, Second Edition (Eds. K. Isbister & C. Hodent). Routledge Press.

  • Harley L, Levy LM, Gandy MB, Harbert SD, and Britton DF. 2013. The Taxonomy and Design Criteria for Health Game Design in the Elderly. Pages 31-64. Nova Science Publishers.


  • Gaming & Ethics, LMC3813/CS4803, Spring 2022

    • I developed this course as part of my award in the Research Faculty Teaching Fellowship to teach ethics frameworks and concepts through the moral dilemmas of the gaming and esports industry. Students learn about professional practice in software design, while also examining the impact of games on society, culture, the arts, and technology industry.

  • Principles of Interaction Design, LMC3710, taught as needed 2021 through current

    • Students learn the fundamentals of interaction design by working in teams to create a serious game for an industry or non-profit collaborator. Students have created games for Zoo Atlanta, for example, to instill new awareness, behavior change, and empathy for the Zoo’s “hard to love” species of vultures and other birds.

  • User Interface Design CS/PSYC3750, taught each semester Fall 2019 through current

    • This course is meant to introduce students to human centered computing. This mode of design puts the user first and “technology-for-its own sake” second. Students will be introduced to HCI concepts, design principles and techniques and will be expected to implement them in a variety of group assignments. In this course we work with a “real world” client and use a corporate approach where you are given a project and a team with whom to develop it.

  • Computing, Society, and Professionalism CS 4001, taught each semester Fall 2018 through current

    • Although Computing, Society and Professionalism is a required course for CS majors, it is not a typical computer science course. Rather than dealing with the technical content of computing, it addresses the effects of computing on individuals, organizations, and society, and on what your responsibilities are as a computing professional in light of those impacts. The topic is a very broad one and one that you will have to deal with almost every day of your professional life. The issues are sometimes as intellectually deep as some of the greatest philosophical writings in history – and sometimes as shallow as a report on the evening TV news. This course can do little more than introduce you to the topics, but, if successful, will change the way you view the technology with which you work. You will do a lot of reading, analyzing, and communicating (verbally and in writing) in this course. It will require your active participation throughout the semester and should be fun and enlightening.

  • Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP), Future Technologies of Sports VIP 6600, taught fall and spring semesters, Fall 2018 through current

    • Explore the human technology frontier as it relates to technologies for sports, spanning the continuum from the athlete to the fan. Projects will include wearable technologies to empower athletes via advanced sensing and multi-modal real-time feedback via smart textiles, immersive technologies (e.g. augmented and virtual reality) to improve the fan experience in live sports venues and at home, and the use of computer vision, machine learning, and novel information presentation techniques to expand interest and participation in e-sports.

Awards and recognitions

  • Student Recognition of Excellence in Teaching: CIOS Award

    • Center of Teaching and Learning, Georgia Tech

    • Ranked in the top 50 instructors at Georgia Tech

      • Ranking score based on 1) Instructor’s respect and concern for students, 2) Instructor’s level of enthusiasm about teaching the course; and 3) Instructor’s ability to stimulate my interest in the subject matter.

    • VIP Future Experience of Esports

      • Fall 2022,

      • Spring 2022

      • Fall 2021

      • Spring 2021

  • Student Recognition of Excellence in Teaching: Class of 1934 Course Instruction Opinion Survey (CIOS) Honor Roll

    • Center of Teaching and Learning, Georgia Tech

    • Ranked in the top 25% of instructors at Georgia Tech

      • Ranking score based on 1) Instructor’s respect and concern for students, 2) Instructor’s level of enthusiasm about teaching the course; and 3) Instructor’s ability to stimulate my interest in the subject matter.

    • VIP Future Experience of Esports

      • Fall 2022

      • Spring 2022

      • Fall 2021

      • Spring 2021

  • Thank a Teacher Award, Center for Teaching and Learning, Georgia Tech

    • Spring 2022

    • Summer 2020

  • Research Faculty Teaching Fellow, Georgia Tech

    • 2022 - 2023 to develop the course, Serious Game Design

    • 2021 - 2022 to develop the course, Gaming & Ethics

Panels organized and Participated in

  • Games UX Summit, December 2021, Online

    • Community News and GRUX Updates (invited panelist)

  • CHI Play, November 2021, Online

    • Games User Research in Practice (invited panelist)

  • Esports Summit, November 2019, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

    • Git Gud: Developing Technology Solutions to Support Esports (moderator)

      • As esports continues to grow, innovations in software and platform technology allow streamers, teams, organizations, and companies supporting esports streamline competitions, broadcasts and track data. This panel discussion is led by people who created solutions to make esports and the data points within more accessible.

  • Games User Research SIG, March 2019, San Francisco, USA.

    • You Play Like a GUR-L: perspectives from female-identifying researchers (organizer and panelist)

      • This panel will discuss gender-specific challenges in GUR, focusing on successful strategies that can be used by anyone to ensure effective research sessions. Topics will include extant literature, adapted playtesting methods, context-dependent methodologies, and a conversation on gender dynamics between researchers and participants in the GUR domain. Our panelists represent GUR professionals across academia, industry, and research and development laboratories. Opening discussions may focus heavily on a dichotomous perspective of gender; however, many of the techniques and experiences shared by panelists also apply to trans and non-binary researchers, whose perspectives would be a rich contribution to the discussion.

  • American Psychological Association (APA), Division 21, August 2019 Chicago, USA

    • Esports - how psychology is entering the game (panelist)

      • This symposium discusses the popularity of electronics sports (esports) and how user research in psychology can help improve the experience for both the players and fans.

  • DragonCon 2019 Atlanta, Georgia USA

    • The Future Experience of esports (organizer and panelist)

      • Immersive technologies put you live on the battle map, command centers let you follow your favorite player mid-stream, but what’s the next step in elevating the esports fan experience? Industry and academic experts will cover the future of esports from wearable tech, virtual and augmented reality, novel UIs, and the continued normalization of esports into mainstream culture.

    • Accessibility in Video Gaming (panelist)

      • Experts discuss accessible game design and the challenges of accessibility in video gaming

  • DragonCon 2018 Atlanta, Georgia USA

    • Games for Good and Evil (organizer and panelist)

      • Research indicates that games can have positive health benefits on players such as boosting brain power, improving physical fitness, and enhancing feelings of social well-being. Experts in games research will discuss the science behind the kinds of games that are good for you, the snake oil in the market, and how games can improve - or damage - your quality of life.

    • Accessibility in Video Gaming (panelist)

      • Experts discuss accessible game design and the challenges of accessibility in video gaming

  • DragonCon 2017 Atlanta, Georgia USA

    • The Toys Changing the Future of Gaming (organizer and panelist)

      • Leading experts in AR, VR, projection mapping, and head-mounted displays will cut through the gimmicks and debate how these future technologies will change your gaming experience.

    • Unusual Jobs in the Gaming Industry (organizer and panelist)

      • There’s more to a career in gaming than development, design and management. In this panel, games professionals will discuss the types of jobs that you’d never expect - and how to qualify for them - that exist within the games industry.

  • DragonCon 2016 Atlanta, Georgia USA

Graduate school documents

  • Levy, L. 2021. Impacts on performance effectiveness, processing efficiency, and subjective experience by music listening in extraverts and introverts. Doctoral dissertation, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia USA.

  • Levy, LM. 2017. Explaining the music psychology literature through the framework of attentional control theory. Preliminary exam thesis, passed. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

    • Link to thesis

  • Levy, LM. 2015. The effects of background music on video game play performance, behavior, and experience in extraverts and introverts. Master of Science thesis. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.






PhD, Psychology | Georgia Tech

Masters of Science, Psychology | Georgia Tech

Masters of Science, Biology | Georgia Tech

Bachelors of Science, Zoology | University of Florida

Our Creative Collisions project won Best Paper and Juried Design Competition at the 2017 International Symposium on Wearable Computers

Our Creative Collisions project won Best Paper and Juried Design Competition at the 2017 International Symposium on Wearable Computers

The 2015 Google-supported Hiking Hackathon team before we journeyed into the wild to build field biology technologies in situ.

The 2015 Google-supported Hiking Hackathon team before we journeyed into the wild to build field biology technologies in situ.

Games for Change Festival 2018: representing Georgia Tech as an anchor partner in the Games for Change Student Challenge

Games for Change Festival 2018: representing Georgia Tech as an anchor partner in the Games for Change Student Challenge

Recipient of the Atlanta Magazine Groundbreakers Award for our work in civic computing and urban engagement technologies.

Recipient of the Atlanta Magazine Groundbreakers Award for our work in civic computing and urban engagement technologies.

DragonCon 2018, Video Gaming Track: Panelists from the Gaming for All Accessibility panel

DragonCon 2018, Video Gaming Track: Panelists from the Gaming for All Accessibility panel

Presenting at the 2018 International Society for Gerontechnology on the uses of AR and VR technologies to support older adults’ aging in place

Presenting at the 2018 International Society for Gerontechnology on the uses of AR and VR technologies to support older adults’ aging in place

Our IPaT team at TEDx Peachtree 2016

Our IPaT team at TEDx Peachtree 2016

Speaking at the University of Denmark, Kolding about the design of serious games.

Speaking at the University of Denmark, Kolding about the design of serious games.